Infographic: Start-up Innovation Inspiring Business Transformation

How Disruptive Entrepreneurship is Driving Corporate Renovation + Reinvention
Many of world’s largest corporations are scrambling to transform and remodel their businesses, prompted to a significant degree by inventive new startups with vision, ambition and a willingness to take risks and disrupt traditional markets. Today’s challengers and disruptors are prompting corporate acquisitions, restructuring and a new focus on innovation among their larger brethren.
"Start-Up Innovation Inspiring Business Transformation" is research report is based on an online survey of more than 250 enterprise business leaders and innovators across North America, Europe and Asia. These survey findings are supplemented by perspectives by leading enterprise executives as well as category disruptors. The Q2 2015 study was undertaken by the BPI Network, with sponsorship from Tech Mahindra, and in association with the TiE. Download Report »