Thought Leadership

The Pathway To Gen AI Competitive Advantage
After a year of delivering mostly marginal efficiency gains, GenAI is on the verge of accelerating functional effectiveness and competitive differentiation. More info»

Unify How You Verify
This campaign seeks to explore and evangelize the importance of cross-channel identity assurance in today’s connected economy. This centers around the use of biometric onboarding and authentication for delivering convenient and secure customer experiences that drive revenue, retention, satisfaction & regulatory compliance. More info»

Bringing Simplicity To Multi-Cloud Complexity
This initiative aims to explore the forces, factors, challenges and requirements driving the need for improved data logistics in today’s multi-cloud world. More info»

Powering PDF Users in Banking and Finance
In this report, BPI Network explores the journey banking and finance companies are taking to going paperless while empowering their employees and cutting costs. More info»

5G Headway Report
In this report, BPI Network revisits service providers' prgoress in their journey to 5G and includes perspectives from telecommunication executives on their development. More info»

Mapping the Multi-Cloud Enterprise
Today’s modern enterprise is increasingly operating in multi-cloud environments. While the agility, scalability and flexibility of multi-cloud enable new business use cases and strategies, it also raises concerns around security, traffic demands and new skill set requirements. More info»

Parental Burnout Barometer
This program explores the incidence of parental burnout in North America. With increasing numbers of single parents and homes where both parents work, healthy parenting is also uniquely challenged by social media distractions, an ever-increasing cost of education, and social or behavioral challenges. More info»

Gain the Ability for Cloud Agility
The move to next-generation IT operating models, featuring public, private and hybrid clouds, has begun in earnest in many enterprises globally. The advantages of the cloud are robust. Yet, the move to the cloud is also creating new layers of complexity and concern for executive management teams and their IT organizations. This initiative a... More info»

Competitive Gain In The Ocean Supply Chain
The Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain is a thought leadership initiative that explores the impact of connectedness on operational effectiveness in the maritime industry. It aims to address the economic challenges and requirements for improved efficiency and productivity throughout the ocean supply chain industry. This program will drive... More info»

Getting Control of Document Flow
This program will bring to life the increasing challenge of maintaining document security in the Internet age. It will look at levels of concern, prevalence of incidents, causes of breaches, types of sensitive information lost or compromised, most common remedial actions, and other forces and factors behind document-related security breaches. More info»

Streamline How You Get to the Bottom Line
Today’s globally distributed and often tightly regulated multi-nationals are facing increasing challenges and complexities in controlling and reporting on the financial performance. This initiative explores the obstacles facing these enterprises as they seek to gain better control, insight and efficiency from their global financi... More info»

The Impact of Connectedness on Competitiveness
A groundbreaking research initiative that seeks to understand the business value created by the Industrial Internet of Things, identify best pracitces, understand where these businesses are in adoption and planning for IIoT, and provide a framework for best pratices and successes. More info»

Dealing with Document Deluge & Dangers
Call it Document Deluge. This initiative seeks to gain fresh insights into how today’s workers, managers, and consumers depend upon and cope with documents in their life and work — and how they would like to modernize the traditional document to be more valuable and productive in today’s connected world. More info»

Start-Up Innovation Inspiring Business Transformation
Introducing a new study that seeks to understand the degree to which disruptive entrepreneurship is driving corporate renovation and reinvention. The study investigates how this new crop of brand challengers and category contenders are spurring greater invention and business remodeling in enterprise incumbents. More info»

Grow Smart from the Start
Grow Smart from the Start examines critical issues and best practices in structuring relationships and contracts with core and IT services vendors to ensure more profitable and valued business outcomes for community financial institutions. To help us undertake this study, please take our quick survey here. More info»

Innovation: The New Competitive Equation
The BPI Network is exploring how to make innovation more intrusive and actionable in 2015. Our research focuses on how enterprises can do a better job of formalizing innovation programs, providing innovation leadership and recognition, and directing ideation to achieve tangible business value. More info»

CauseTech: Succeed Where There's a Need
The BPI Network & the CMO Council are embarking on a landmark initiative in partnership with UNICEF that seeks to crowdsource breakthrough ideas, inventions, products, and emerging technologies that can advance the work done worldwide by the UNICEF Innovation Center. More info»

Transform to Better Perform
Transform to Better Perform is a global thought leadership initiative dedicated to helping business leaders, IT organizations, data professionals and technology providers explore the transformation of the data center into cloud-based environments that meet today’s business needs. More info»

Grow From the Right Intro
This milestone study seeks to assess the state of strategic partnering and business development in the SME sector, and the level of competency, success and value derived from this critical business process. More info»

Predictability Through Planning Agility
Through the “Predictability Through Planning Agility” program, the Business Performance Innovation Network will investigate how organizations can make financial processes more relevant in driving organizational excellence, efficiency and decision dexterity, while improving forecasting and budgeting accuracy. More info»

Know More to Grow More
CMO Council’s latest report, entitled “Know More to Grow More,”reveals that marketers have notable deficiencies when it comes to obtaining valuable customer data and providing actionable intelligence to sales. More info»

CMO-CIO Alignment
The CMOCouncil and BPINetwork recognize that technology and customer data access are the essential enablers of marketing effectiveness. As leading change agents, the CMO and CIO have to be tightly coupled in the journey to optimize customer lifetime value through more personal, timely, targeted and engaging interactions with diverse audiences. More info»

Securing the Future of a Smart World
With the coming of 5G and a smarter, more connected world, service providers face a plethora of strategic business and technology decisions with major ramifications for the future. More info»

Growth Engineering: Mapping Routes to Revenue
Exploring the requirements for Growth Engineering in today’s global, digitally driven, hyper-competitive business world. More info»

Increase Your Pace in the ECommerce Race
This thought leadership initiative to advocate the reinvention and scaling of digital commerce supply chains. This includes infrastructure, back-end and front-end systems, and processes in light of the rapid transition of commerce to an online, hyper-cost-sensitive, to-the-home, next-day/same-day delivery model. More info»